Archiving Records

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Since 1984
1776 N Pine Island Road, Suite 222,
Plantation Florida 33322
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service

Archiving-RecordsThe Importance Of Accounting Departments Using Document Imaging For Archiving Records

Author: christopher

Companies cannot down play the importance of the importance of accounting departments using document imaging for Archiving Records. Today, business is driven by information and any loss of important information can have devastating consequences for a company. Companies have to have a system that is suitable for storing and retrieving of the information. Businesses rely heavily on the availability of data so that they are better able to service their customers and also to better manage the daily operations of the business.

There are a variety of systems that can be utilized for this purpose. Content and work flow management is all important and companies need to find systems that will perform this task effectively. Some of the systems are web based and this is helpful for a variety of reasons. Web based applications means that data can never be lost as the data is always backed up. These types of applications can be integrated with numerous other business applications.

Business managers will find it difficult to manage the business without relevant information and this applies to accounting procedures in particular. By having a decent storage system in place the management have access to this information at all times and they are able to use the information for the benefit of the company. Systems such as these offer tight control of data and this is important. It is however very important that the data is collated and captured correctly.

These applications embrace technology that involves the Internet and central remote servers to house applications and data. Employees are then able to access the information without needing support as there is no desktop installation required. This is represents a cost savings for the company that uses this type of application.

Employees can also share business files with other employees when using an application like this. This can be done from anywhere around the world. Users must have Internet access and the log in information. As the data is centralized, work flow is streamlined in a very efficient manner and companies should notice a marked improvement in productivity within the accounting departments.

Companies that market these applications will do their best to customize the applications to suit different businesses. The emphasis is on increasing productivity and this is achieved by managing documents effectively. Employees are able to capture the information onto the system from anywhere around the world and this information is then available in real time. This allows much smoother flow of information for all people who need access to the data. There is a massive savings by not having to use paper and any other files that are not electronic.

There is sometimes vagueness as to what is important information and what is not important. The systems are designed to separate very important data from not so important data. The distinction will need to be made by the data capturer however.

In terms of emails these can be archived and this is extremely handy in terms of saving important communication both external and internal. Many of the systems offer unlimited mailbox space. Systems like these really do highlight the importance of accounting departments using document imaging for Archiving Records.

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Archiving Student Records

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Since 1984
1776 N Pine Island Road, Suite 222,
Plantation Florida 33322
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service

Archiving Student RecordsThe Importance Of Schools And Universities Using Document Imaging For Archiving Student Records

Author: christopher

Most businesses and organizations have a collection of data or information that needs to be stored for a period of time. Paper files and documents are problematic as they can be lost and they do take up a lot of space as the years go on. Businesses and learning institutions especially, will have much data to retain and they may need to look at other options that can make the storage of such data much easier. In terms of learning institutions, the importance of schools and universities using document imaging for archiving student records cannot be down played as students may require some information in years to come and the learning institution will have to have this data readily available.

There are IT solutions companies that provide companies with systems that manage documents electronically. These companies can cater to the needs of a variety of businesses and organizations. Organizations in the transportation, health care, engineering, education and accounting industries will most certainly benefit from applications such as these.

All organizations need to manage accounts so there may be overlapping in terms of different documentation that needs to be stored. The days of rows and rows of filing cabinets are gone as there are much better ways to keep this very important information. Accounts receivable can be stored in the application and they are easily retrieved by simply clicking the mouse.

Systems such as these allow multiple users to access accounts very quickly. The space and time saving element is worth every cent spent on the system. It is even possible to email data to other parties via the systems and that is an incredible feature.

Educational institutions have numerous important documents that they need to retain for a number of years. Student records, board meetings, transcripts and payroll information are just three types of data that needs to be stored by the learning institutions. Learning institutions have loads of data as they have new students coming in all the time and they will have incredibly huge data bases. Every student will have some kind of data attached to them and this will mount up to a lot of paperwork very quickly. It might be necessary to have to access data on a student from twenty years ago and doing this manually could take a very long time. Paper documents also begin to perish over time and this can also be problematic.

Data management systems allow access to this information at the click of a button. Student data can be accessed when needed and any other relevant data. The intuitions can save much space by getting rid of all the paper documentation.

Other industries also have the need for such systems. Utilizing them will be very helpful in streamlining work flow. Automation helps to speed up productivity and saves space.

Universities and other learning institutions will really appreciate the importance of schools and universities using document imaging for Archiving Student Records, once they start using an appropriate system. The convenience is priceless. Managers will find that it much easier to manage the institution with this application.

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Record Retention Schedules

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service
Since 1984
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
10200 State Road 84 #228 Davie Florida 33024

Record Retention SchedulesThe Importance Of Maintaining Record Retention Schedules

By Chris Ferrer

All businesses and companies should have Record Retention Schedules. This is a system whereby the companies are able to keep records for a specified length of time. It can be problematic for companies if they fail to do so as they may incur harsh penalties. The records will include emails, memoranda, emails and other types of important documents. Companies that adhere to the strict implementing of keeping these records will protect themselves from violating the law and there can be no suspicion of obstruction of justice. The saved data can also be handy should the need ever arise for defense in possible litigation.

In days gone by, records were kept when they were not been used for everyday use. Some of these reports would be kept off site or in the basement of the office building. The keyword to these reports is the evidence of any event that the company was involved in.

Someone at the corporation needs to collate, identify and classify the particular information. Information that can can specifically prove or disprove certain issues is very important. Information such as employee dossiers, tax records, corporate minutes, bylaws and accounting records are very important. A list of these reports should be made and as well as the details as to where this data is kept.

The person in charge of the data should find out from the legal department how long the company is legally obliged to retain specific data. The law applies differently to different data and the legal department will be able to help in this regard. Tax records for example have to be retained for thirty six months at least. There may be a statute of limitations that applies and this information can be obtained by speaking to the legal department. After this, the information may be recycled or archived.

If it is a big corporation, then it might be an idea to create a document retention task force team. This team will be responsible for overseeing the process of classifying and identifying the various data. Ideally, this team should consist of an information technology staff member, a member of corporate management and someone from the legal department.

The document should be reduced to writing. When all the various documents have been identified and classified, this information should be put in writing and then distributed to all staff members. The instructions regarding managing and keeping the records should be explicit in the document so that everyone is clear about the procedure.

Corporate staff members should be educated on this policy. Make sure all the staff members have access to the report and get them to sign it as well. Employees may need training as to the importance of this policy and if needed the company should provide such training. There should be a question and answer session for the employees so that there is no confusion regarding this matter.

It is important to store Record Retention Schedules where they will be easily accessible and where they are protected from any damage from the environment. Paper documents can be kept in an office in a filing cabinet. Larger companies have special rooms that safeguard the data especially against humidity and temperature.

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Records Retention And Destruction

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service
Since 1984
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
10200 State Road 84 #228 Davie Florida 33024

Records Retention And DestructionImportance Of Records Retention And Destruction

By: Chris Ferrer

In this day and age of security, protection and confidentiality in terms of identity and personal information, it is very important for businesses in the commercial and health care industry to have safe guards to prevent exposure and risk in this area. Records Retention And Destruction should be a well planned and thought out process and procedure.

Many people and patients personal information are generated via standard reports, charts, labels and other documents. These forms of communication must be both stored and destroyed. Storage in itself has taken an entirely new look and process.

For decades companies have printed reams of paper that had protected patient information or private financial records and boxed them up. These boxes were then transported to a storage area within their building, or off site, and kept for seven years or longer. Every week, month and year that goes by, more and more boxes are added. This process continues to the point where they begin looking for more storage.

With the advancement in technology, all of these boxes that contain confidential data and information can now be stored electronically, online. Not only is it more secure in terms of password and username protection, but it also is not subject to natural weather elements or physical theft. Just imagine the cost savings in not having to purchase storage boxes, labels and use up valuable square footage. That space can now be converted to usable space instead of storage.

Scanning and storing your records electronically meets the records retention requirements that are necessary for both financial, clinical and billing protocols. It is considered to be safe and secure. Be sure however that you have the process in written policy form and that your policy addresses what the back-up, or redundant process is in the event of a server crash or technology glitch.

This process has become more popular and less expensive. You can now purchase desk top scanners or even scanners that are the size of a paper cutter. Simply install the software to your computer and follow the instructions and you now have a simplified storage system. The scanners scan the document image and then stores them in online folders for easy viewing and access.

Destruction of records seems very simple. But be warned, this process must be done with special attention to detail and security. Many businesses have shredding boxes that are available to throw confidential paperwork into. These boxes must be locked. They also must only have a one way document insertion slot. In other words, once you place the document into the shredder box, there must not be a way to retrieve it. The only way you can retrieve it is by unlocking it.

In the event you have your maintenance department transport boxes of confidential information from your storage building to an incinerator or dump site, be sure their truck is lockable and secure. The last thing you want to happen is for these boxes or papers to be flying out onto the roadway or for anyone to have the ability to reach in and grab them.

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