Microfilm Microfiche Conversion

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service
Since 1984
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
10200 State Road 84 #228 Davie Florida 33024

Microfilm Microfiche Conversion

By Chris Ferrer

People and business entities do not have to be worried about their information being lost in the long dark hallways of history anymore. Important documentation, regardless of its age, can now be recovered and digitized in such a way as to be useful in this increasingly digital workplace. All of the knowledge of years gone by can now be captured and stored digitally through the process of microfilm conversion.

Microfilm is a medium through which large quantities of information can be stored by means of very small photographs which are then imprinted on 35mm or 16mm film. Microfilm conversion is the discipline which concerns itself with the reverse of the reduction process. It also takes it one step further, allowing the owners of the captured information to view and utilize their information through most forms of digital business tools.

A man by the name of John B. Dancer was one of the early pioneers to manufacture micro-photographs. The reduction ratio that he was able to produce was 160:1. Although he only saw his efforts as a hobby, he made his process perfect with the use of information received through the research of one Frederick Scott Archer. Interestingly, the Dictionary of Photography stated in 1858 that these findings were “somewhat trifling and childish”. Had they but had the vision of the pioneers.

James Glaisher was the first person to suggest the utilization of micro-photography as a means of storing large volumes of information safely. He suggested this in 1853.

The main benefit of microfilm conversion is that it frees up all of the office or storage space that was previously needed to store the film. This has a great advantage. Information is not as vulnerable to theft as it used to be, and businesses can scale down their rental agreements and save large quantities of money.

The digitizing of information that was previously stored in microfilm format has great implications for the research community as well. All of the outdated microfilm viewing technologies are redundant, but as the age of personal computers expands, much more history and information recaptured in the digital cloud.

Using applications such as most common photo viewers, as well as text readers to access the converted material makes for super advances in efficiency and economy of time and effort. Converted material can be accessed, printed, distributed in innumerable ways that were not possible for this medium in the past, due to the cumbersome nature of the equipment.

The services of this kind that are available today create the possibility for any entity, personal or business, to render and keep any or all of its past documentation and informative resources. This includes all formats such as contracts, manuals, research, films, photographs, sketches, paintings and many more.

Cataloging of information in a unique fashion allows consumers to store even large quantities of film, without the tedium of having to sit through hours of footage in order to find a specific cut. This feature in itself has to be one of the greatest advances concerning efficiency in the editing process.

Processing assignments can take on any size and any format. There are no limits. Millions of photographs can be stored and the end user never has to be concerned about the quality of the material when viewed, because the imagery of text will always be perfectly legible.

When researching conversion facilities and services, one has to be prepared to do one’s homework and not be overzealous. Do not go with any fly-by-night service that is just in it for the monetary gain. This could be dangerous, especially for your irreplaceable data.

Make sure to look for people-oriented services that put customer’s needs before the volume of work they can put through their system. Also remember to ask around about the specific service that you are planning to use. Positive comments from people who have used the service before are always a good sign that your information will be safe.

Lastly, don’t forget to digitize and convert all personal media as well. This could prove invaluable in the future when the family comes over and they want copies of the photos that you just showed them while reminiscing about your childhood. Call it up on your computer, select color print, and click.

All that then has to happen is that they take the print home with them and make copies of it if they wish. Family members and friends easily can share their memories with others. Finding the right equipment or service provider for microfilm, microfiche, conversion, scan, scanning is much easier than ever before.

Scan Microfilm Microfiche To Computer Conversions

Microfilm Scanning Service

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service
Since 1984
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
10200 State Road 84 #228 Davie Florida 33024

Microfilm Scanning ServiceAdvanced Imaging Solutions, Inc.- The Microfilm Depot- has various microfilm scanners to convert 16mm and 35mm microfilm rolls to digital images.

We have capabilities to scan at 200dpi and 300dpi (or in special cases higher) in bi-tonal or grayscale, and can convert positive, negative, simplex, duplex, and 16mm continuous form (COM) reels.

Although many organizations use microfilm as their primary archive source (which is fine), a digital microfilm conversion is enable users to work with the documents more efficiently and cost-effectively.

In addition to converting roll film to images, we perform extensive quality control checks to ensure your digital product is the best it could be.

We can work with you to get a better idea what your needs are: do you just want the microfilm digitized with no indexing? Are you complying with a government mandate to get your microfilm archive digitized? Or do you have an existing system? What type of quality are you expecting? All of these questions are asked up front- no bait and switch.

The Different Aspects Of Microfilm Scanning Services

By: christopher

The different aspects of microfilm scanning services are detailed in this article. The services include microfiche scanning, aperture cards scanning, digital microfilm, scanning conversion services and microfilm conversions. The main purpose of a scanning service is to take paper documents, film and slides and convert them into an electronic format. Stored in this format document from a million documents can be found in a few seconds.

The scanning of documents is done via scanning software and the fastest document scanners and other related equipment. Physical documents are indexed and stored ready for almost instant retrieval from a document storage system. It is important that the scanned documents are indexed and the search criteria base on this is customizable. Examples would be invoice number, or the name of a client. This is often defined by the needs of the customers using the scanning service.

Many different types of document can be scanned, from a large technical drawing to the smallest of receipts. The only thing that is required is that the documents are correctly prepared to go through the scanning process. Paper fasteners, staples etc. All have to be removed in preparation for the scan. Corrective measures may need to be taken if the documents are torn, creased or damaged in some other way. This can often be done by the Microfilm Scanning Service provider.

It is possible that a client will not want the documents to leave their premises. In this case if the client has a suitable room, the equipment and staff can be brought on-site and the process accomplished there.

The diversity of the documents and there general quality means that many quotes are done on a per project basis and this often leads to a more competitive quote for the client. The prices are sometimes per page and sometimes one overall package price.

Security and confidentiality are built into the scanning services. Microfilming requires that both are guaranteed. Often it will be possible to have the documents and other media, collected securely and returned with the disks when the project is complete.

Microfilm and Microfiche scanning takes these types of media and scans them to DVD or CD. They are converted into digital formats such as PDF and TIFF. They are then indexed for quick retrieval by a specially chosen keyword. They can also be stored on a computer’s hard drive or as part of a network on a networked server. The microfilm rolls come in two main types 16mm rolls for A4 sized documents and the 35 mm rolls for plans and large drawings. The microfiche slides also come in two main types COMBI and COM both are readily scanned with the fastest imaging equipment.

The Aperture Card Scanning services are also part of the remit of scanning services and these 35 mm punch card transparencies which typically store engineer’s drawings can also be converted to digital format with all the benefits that offers.

It may be obvious that documents i. E. Hardcopy needs to be stored digitally but it also may well now be advisable for companies, who over the years have committed significant recourses to microfilm and microfiche readers and the staffing of those departments to consider digitizing. The time spent retrieving from the slides and film means that once the move is made to digitally scanned conversions of these media types, the time saved soon pays for the initial cost of converting them and the moth balling of redundant readers over a phased in period. A large archive can be converted to a text searchable, indexed digital library and retrieval; any portion of it can appear in seconds.

So whether you want microfiche scanning, aperture cards scanning, digital microfilm, scanning conversion services or microfilm conversions of any kind the different aspects of microfilm scanning services can always deliver the solution.

About the Author

The services include microfiche scanning, aperture cards scanning, digital microfilm, scanning conversion services and microfilm conversions. The main purpose of a scanning service is to take paper documents, microfiche, aperture cards , microfilm, film and slides and convert them into an electronic format. Stored in this format millions of documents can be found in a few seconds.

(ArticlesBase SC #3732008)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/management-articles/the-different-aspects-of-microfilm-scanning-services-3732008.html

Scan Microfilm Microfiche To Computer Conversions

Microfilm Services

Advanced Imaging Solutions / The Microfilm Depot
Document And Microfilm Scanning Service
Since 1984
Call Chris Ferrer For A Free Test And Quote 786-985-2047
10200 State Road 84 #228 Davie Florida 33024

Document Scanning FloridaMicrofilming:

  • 35mm & 16mm Planetary Microfilming
  • 16mm Rotary Microfilming
  • 35mm & 16mm Digital Image to Microfilm

Process Services:

  • 35mm & 16mm Silver Roll Film Duplication
  • 35mm & 16mm Diazo Roll Film Duplication
  • 35mm & 16mm Microfiche Jacketing
  • Microfiche Diazo Duplication
  • Aperture Card Jacketing
  • Aperture Card Diazo Duplication
  • Computer Index Listing
  • Data Entry
  • “Kodak Certified”  Deep Tank Microfilm Processing
  • AIIM/ANSI Standards
  • MIL Spec Certification

Document Types:

  • Personnel & Correspondence Files
  • Manuals, Technical Specifications & Permits
  • Financial Report, Invoice, Bill of Laden Documents
  • Loan & Mortgage Documents
  • Commercial & Personal Banking Documents
  • Legal Evidence Documents
  • Architectural & Engineering Drawings
  • Photographs

Output Media:

  • 35mm & 16mm Roll Film
  • Silver Halide Original
  • Silver Duplicate
  • Diazo Duplicate
  • 35mm & 16mm Microfiche Jackets
  • Diazo Microfiche Duplicate
  • Aperture Cards
  • Positive or negative film

Specialized Conversion Services:

  • Microfilm Roll to Digital Image Conversion
  • Microfiche to Digital Image Conversion
  • Aperture Card to Digital Image Conversion 

E-Mail: sales@mdepot.com

Scan Microfilm Microfiche To Computer Conversions